Total Production, Inc.
So much more than just a web company
Mobile Web

By ignoring the nearly universal common practice of static dimensions in web design, Responsive Web Design builds pages that dynamically respond to the layout requirements of individual users' mobile devices. Considering the ever increasing number of tablets and smart phones and their various operating platforms insuring accessibility to your complete customer base becomes simple with Responsive Web Design.

A surprising number of designers still adhere to outdated practice of defined dimensions, and then those designers would create for you, at more cost, a second website for mobile browsing with still no guarantee that the mobile version would function across all platforms and screen sizes. This also increases businesses' hosting costs plus more time trying to manage two websites. RWD simplifies your online efforts by creating a single website that functions across multiple platforms, saving time and money.

The adaptive nature of RWD also increases your visibility as using the same HTML and CSS across multiple platforms your website is easier for Google to search and index and this will help to optimize search results and have a positive effect on your search engine ranking.

RWD is a relatively new web design concept. Getting on board now will put you at the forefront of what will surely become the next standard in web design. Getting there before your competition can only benefit your business.

We will review your current web site without obligation, do it now!